I can't get my HP Spectre 360 to recognise my iphone - either in iTunes or File Manager. I have tried different cables, different USB ports - nothing works. It does not recognise a device. I tried it on my old laptop and the phone is recognised instantly.
Why can't i see my personal hotspot fm my iphone on my new Oct 29, 2012 iPhone Personal Hotspot Not Working? Here's The Fix! Dec 18, 2018 my iphone hotspot will not connect to the… - Apple Community Oct 18, 2015
Windows 10 Laptop Won't Connect to iPhone Hotspot? Here
Dell Inspiron won't connect to my iPhone hotspot - Dell As I told, i changed my iphone name, then I connected my iphone with laptop via bluetooth. however, I couldnot connect to my iphone hotspot. What i did was right-clicked on bluetooth icon, then clicked on "join a personal area network", then right-clicked on my devices, clicked on the connect using and access point. Finally it worked for me. My laptop does not list hotspot in available networks May 04, 2018
How to Fix Personal Hotspot Not Working on iPhone
How to Fix Personal Hotspot Not Working on iPhone Sep 20, 2019 Personal Hotspot option missing from iPhone 5S - Sprint I have an iPhone 5S that I bought last year from a Sprint Store and I cannot see the option to start a Personal Hotspot. The option is missing. I've tried refreshing the services by dialing ##873283# and once the service update is complete, I do see the Personal Hotspot option show up for a moment b