Then the additional frustration began. The DD-WRT defaults are I do not use that subnet on my LAN. I had to juggle computer settings to connect to the default IP address. At that point I was able to ping the device’s default IP address of The web interface page was a default Asus vendor page and not a DD-WRT page.
Hard reset or 30/30/30 - DD-WRT Wiki 4 Default password Hard Reset (aka 30/30/30 reset) Note: This should only be done on older routers. On newer routers, ex: Asus N66U, this will put them in recovery mode instead. The following procedure will clear out the NVRAM and set dd-wrt back to default values: With the unit powered on, press and hold the reset button on back of unit for 30 Resetting Username and Password in DD-WRT on NETGEAR This document describes the method of resetting your user name and password in DD-WRT firmware on WGR614L. First, we'll discuss how to set this up when a hard reset has been performed on the router. Resetting Username/Password In DD-WRT On WGR614L After A Hard ResetAfter doing hard reset, access your router through your browser.(NOTE: The default IP address of the router is Linksys DD-WRT v3 Default Router Login and Password
Default DD WRT Password
Tutorial on Port Forwarding With a DD-WRT Router Sep 14, 2012 DD-WRT Router OpenVPN Setup - IPVanish VPN
Nov 07, 2018
Open your Internet browser (Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) and type in your address bar. You will be prompted for a username and password. Type in "root" for the username and "admin" for the password. If this default password does not work, you will need to reset your modem. How To Log Into DD-WRT Router For the First Time Aug 11, 2018 DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - default password for ssid dd Apr 16, 2019 Firmware FAQ - DD-WRT Wiki